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【4周达】Weakly Connected Neural Networks [9781461273028]

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预订 Forecast Stock Index Using Neural Networks and Evolutionary Computing [9783659344848]

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【4周达】Evolutionary Algorithms and Neural Networks : Theory and Applications [9783319930244]

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【4周达】Revival: Sensory Neural Networks (1991) [9781138561816]

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【4周达】Nonlinear System Identification : From Classical Approaches to Neural Networks and Fuzzy Models [9783540673699]

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【4周达】Neural Networks: Computational Models and Applications [9783642088711]

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【4周达】Artificial Neural Networks with TensorFlow 2 : ANN Architecture Machine Learning Projects [9781484261491]

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【4周达】Complex-Valued Neural Networks: Utilizing High-Dimensional Parameters [9781605662145]

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预订 Damage Detection of Bridge Decks Using Artificial Neural Networks [9783838388830]

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【4周达】Flood Forecasting Using Artificial Neural Networks [9781138475076]

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【4周达】Credit Rating Modelling by Neural Networks [9781616686796]

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【4周达】Dynamics of Neural Networks : A Mathematical and Clinical Approach [9783662611821]

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预订 Channel Equalization using Multiplicative Neural Networks [9783330652408]

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【4周达】Artificial Higher Order Neural Networks for Modeling and Simulation [9781466621756]

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【4周达】Artificial Neural Networks : Methods and Applications [9781617377389]

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【4周达】Advanced Models of Neural Networks : Nonlinear Dynamics and Stochasticity in Biological Neurons [9783662515570]

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【4周达】The Art of Learning: Neural Networks and Education [9780815361299]

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【4周达】Traffic Control and Transport Planning: : A Fuzzy Sets and Neural Networks Approach [9780792383802]

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【4周达】Deep Learning for Natural Language Processing : Creating Neural Networks with Python [9781484236840]

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【4周达】Neural Networks for Conditional Probability Estimation : Forecasting Beyond Point Predictions [9781852330958]

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