
neural networks

现货 给宝宝的神经网络 Neural Networks for Babies [9781492671206]

65 原价65.00 去抢购

neural networks

Neural Networks for Babies

65 原价65.00 去抢购

neural networks

正版图书 人工智能算法:卷3:Volume 3:深度学习和神经网络:Deep learning and neural networks [美]杰弗瑞·希顿(JefferyHeaton)

67.43 原价67.43 去抢购

neural networks

深度学习的数学:使用Python语言:what you need to know to understand neural networks9787115607775人民邮电出版社

67.4 原价67.40 去抢购

neural networks

【现货】 深度学习的数学:使用Python语言:what you need to know to understand neural networks

70.7 原价70.70 去抢购

neural networks

【预售】Statistics and Neural Networks: Advances at the

797 原价797.00 去抢购

neural networks

【预售】Baby Teacher: Nurturing Neural Networks from Birth

722 原价722.00 去抢购

neural networks

【预售】Complex-Valued Neural Networks: Utilizing

1669 原价1669.00 去抢购

neural networks

【预售】Convolutional Neural Networks in Visual Computing

2261 原价2261.00 去抢购

neural networks

【预售】Neural Networks and Sea Time Series: Reconstruction

1217 原价1217.00 去抢购

neural networks

【预售】Neural Networks for Conditional Probability

608 原价608.00 去抢购

neural networks

【预售】Machine Learning for Beginners 2019: The Ultimate Guide to Artificial Intelligence, Neural Networks, and P...

421 原价421.00 去抢购

neural networks

【预售】Quasi Newton Algorithms Based Neural Networks in Friction Stir Welding Process

279 原价279.00 去抢购

neural networks


668 原价668.00 去抢购

neural networks

【预售】Artificial Neural Networks in Hydrology

1825 原价1825.00 去抢购

neural networks

【预售】Neural Networks for Modelling and Control of Dynamic

1035 原价1035.00 去抢购

neural networks

【预售】Artificial Neural Networks - ICANN 2010: 20th

1217 原价1217.00 去抢购

neural networks

【预售】Principles of Artificial Neural Networks

319 原价319.00 去抢购

neural networks

【预售】Artificial Neural Networks in Vehicular Pollution

1825 原价1825.00 去抢购

neural networks

【预售】Engineering Applications of Neural Networks: 12th

1217 原价1217.00 去抢购